Seller and Product Criteria


Each promotion has a set of criteria. We have two types: Seller or Product Criteria.

  • Seller Criteria is what is taken into consideration for a shop to be eligible or not to subscribe products to a promotion. The shop must match the Criteria.

  • Product Criteria is what is taken into consideration for a product to be eligible or not to be subscribed to a promotion. The product must match the Criteria.


Seller Criteria


These criteria are what is considered to know if the shop is eligible for a Promotion.

  • Tax Class: Local or International Shop

  • Official Store: Yes or No

  • Min Seller Age: Minimum time passed since the shop was created – measured in days


Product Criteria


These criteria are what is considered to know what products are eligible for a Promotion.

  • Business Client: This is the criteria that shows in which ventures the promotion is available. Product must exist in at least one venture to be displayed as an eligible product

  • Categories: Categories that are allowed for that promotion

  • Max Return Rate: Maximum return rate that the product can have to be eligible

  • Brands: Brands that are allowed for that promotion

  • Min Stock: Minimum stock that the product must have to be eligible

  • Min Page Views: Minimum of page views that the product must have to be eligible

  • Min Item Sold: Minimum of items that needed to be sold for the product to be eligible

  • Min SKU Age: Minimum time passed since the product was successfully created – measured in days

  • There is also the Discount Criteria but is only applied on the Promo Price validation, not to check if the product is eligible or not. It can be a percentage or a value, minimum and / or maximum. Promo price of the product must match these criteria when compared with the price that is displayed as the current price
