What are Sponsored Products?

  • Sponsored products ads allow you to promote your products in search result pages and other positions to relevant and targeted customers.
  • It helps you stand out from competition and display your best products at the right time in the consumer’s journey.
  • Based on the products that you are promoting we match their keywords automatically to the search terms that shoppers are searching for. When a shopper searches using words or terms relevant to your products, your ads can appear along with the other products in the search results or in the category page.

To grow your sales, you need to increase your visibility, this means increasing the number of customers that see your products on Jumia. Sponsored products will help you boost your product’s visibility, and if your products have the best prices and top content, you will increase your sales.

To access sponsored products and get started;

Or follow the steps below, 

Step 1. Log in to your seller center and go to promotions 

Step 2. Click on Sponsored Products 

Step 3. A sponsored products page will open, go to “Click here”

Step 4. If it’s your first time to use Sponsored Products, you will be directed to this page below, with a TryMe package worth UGX 50,000 as a welcome coupon.

If you have used Sponsored Products before, it will take you to the mabaya back office dashboard. Here you can see your campaign performance according to the time selected in the right corner. 

Step 5. You will be taken to the Mabaya backend, where you are able to choose a package to purchase for sponsored products.

Before creating your campaign, ensure to have added a budget by purchasing a Sponsored Products package, as your campaigns won’t run without a budget.

After choosing your plan, go the Campaigns page, here you can create, view all your campaigns and go into each of them.

While creating your campaign, remember to read the instructions for guidelines.  

Once done, step 2 is to manually select products to sponsor by clicking on them. Only live products on your vendor account that meet the criteria will be displayed to select from.

After selecting your products, submit then use the on and off button to sponsor different products of your choice.



-Your products will appear on the top page. 

-You can monitor and optimize your campaign.

-You can put your campaign on hold


  • An impression occurs whenever an ad is shown to a shopper. The impressions metric counts how many times your ad has been shown to shoppers.
  • Sponsored products ads look like native products, with a word sponsored beneath the product. As shown below.


Billing & Payments;

  • Once you buy a package, the whole amount (cost of your package) is deducted from your next Jumia payout from the time of purchase.